- The industrial hemp harvest of 2023 of the biotechnological industrial agro-complex RS SUCCESS AGRO in the Syrdarya region continues to set new records with plants reaching a remarkable height of 4 meters
- INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION GROUP, represented by the biotechnological industrial agro complex, is reviving lost hemp cultivation traditions in Uzbekistan, working on selecting high-yield industrial hemp varieties that allow surpassing previously achieved results
- RS SUCCESS AGRO, the biotechnological industrial agro-complex, has broken its record with a hemp harvest of 4 meters in Uzbekistan, surpassing its previous record of 3.5 meters in just one month
Uzbekistan, Khavast, August 21, 2023
INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION GROUP, represented by the biotechnological industrial agro-complex RS SUCCESS AGRO, has set a new record for the cultivation of industrial hemp in Uzbekistan – the height of the plants has already reached 4 meters. Never before have such results been achieved, especially when it comes to the saline soils of the Syrdarya region. Thanks to an innovative approach in agrotechnology and their own high-yield crop selection, the harvest achieved in 2023 has exceeded all expectations.
A rich harvest of industrial hemp reaching a height of 4 meters is being obtained from newly reclaimed lands restored by the biotechnological industrial agro-complex RS SUCCESS AGRO
Robiya Ibragimova, General Director of RS SUCCESS AGRO, remarked: “The cultivation of industrial hemp has reached new heights, both literally and figuratively. We take pride in the impressive yield of industrial hemp that we have achieved this year. The remarkable height of the plants at 4 meters is not just a testament to the skill and dedication of our team but also a demonstration of continuous progress in reviving and advancing hemp cultivation in Uzbekistan. I am confident that our progress underscores the high potential of this agricultural crop for various sectors of the country’s economy, emphasizing a focus on more ecologically sustainable alternatives for the future.”
INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION GROUP implements multi-layered intelligent solutions that enable the biotechnological agro-complex RS SUCCESS AGRO to judiciously utilize natural resources, ensure the preservation and restoration of agricultural lands, monitor and conserve electricity, all while prioritizing sustainable development. The product range derived from industrial hemp includes cold-pressed hemp seed oil, tea, honey, animal feed, and biochar under the trade names LEODAR®, LEORIA®, and HEMPORAMA®.
INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION GROUP intends to further enhance the industrial hemp yield to solidify Uzbekistan’s leadership position in the global market.
Industrial Innovation Group through the global biotechnological industrial agro-complex RS Success Agro, is reviving lost hemp cultivation traditions in Uzbekistan by establishing a fully automated and robotic system for a complete cycle, designed for zero-waste production.
The facility is equipped with a range of innovative in-house production technological lines, assembled based on the technologies of Industrial Innovation Group, and produces products under the trade names Leodar®, Hemporama®, and Leoria®.
RS Success Agro is an ultra-modern global biotechnological industrial agro-complex that implements a significant project on cultivating and deep processing cellulose-containing crops and producing export-oriented products with high-tech characteristics. The company is part of the transcontinental Industrial Innovation Group (IIG).
RS Success Agro boasts comprehensive spectrum of unique intellectual technologies and state-of-the-art equipment, enabling the realization of innovative agricultural wonders within a single complex. Applying these advanced pioneering technologies elevates Uzbekistan’s agricultural sector to a new innovative level. RS Success Agro has taken a progressive step in diversifying the products of Uzbek agriculture, reviving centuries-old hemp cultivation traditions.
The global biotechnological agro-complex in Uzbekistan will remain the world’s only scientific and agro-industrial closed-loop association for a considerable time, built on the latest technological developments — from the fields to the end products in stores.
RS Success Agro продолжает бить рекорды по выращиванию технической конопли на ранее неосвоенных землях https://uznews.uz/posts/67350
“RS Success agro” илгaри ўзлаштирилмаган ерлaрдa техник каннабис етиштириш бўйичa рекордлaрни янгилaшдa дaвом этмоқдa – ўсимликлaр aллaқaчон ҳaйрaтлaнaрли 4 метр бaлaндликкa етди https://aniq.uz/yangiliklar/rs-success-agro-ilgari-uzlashtirilmagan-erlarda-texnik-kannabis-etishtirish-buyicha-rekordlarni-yangilashda-davom-etmoqda-usimliklar-allaqachon-hayratlanarli-4-metr-balandlikka-etdi
RS Success Agro продолжает бить рекорды по выращиванию технической конопли на ранее неосвоенных землях https://t.me/uznews/33087
“RS SUCCESS AGRO” техник каноп етиштириш бўйича рекордларни янгилашда давом этмоқда — ўсимликлар аллақачон ҳайратланарли баландлиги 4 метрга етган https://t.me/aniquz/123712
RS SUCCESS AGRO продолжает бить рекорды по выращиванию технической конопли – растения уже достигли высоты в 4 метра https://t.me/digestuz/21884
Установлен новый рекорд по выращиванию технической конопли в Узбекистане: растения достигли поразительной высоты в 4 метра https://telegram.me/joinchat/AAAAAEEdc-qam7052mnXKA
RS SUCCESS AGRO бьет рекорды по выращиванию технической конопли. Растения уже достигли поразительной высоты в 4 метра https://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/rs-success-agro-bet-rekordy-po-vyrashchivaniyu-tekhnicheskoy-konopli-rasteniya-uzhe-dostigli-porazit/
RS SUCCESS AGRO продолжает бить рекорды по выращиванию технической конопли на ранее неосвоенных землях https://www.instagram.com/p/CwUtr-iIu_6/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Xovos tumanidagi “RS SUCCESS AGRO” texnik kanop yetishtirish bo‘yicha rekordlarni yangilashda davom etmoqda — o‘simliklar allaqachon hayratlanarli balandligi 4 metrga yetgan https://t.me/xovos_uzb/12055
Новый рекорд: в Узбекистане вырастили 4-метровую коноплю https://t.me/c/1530294983/4530
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